I am what I love??

A brief series of thoughts on stewardship/giving. Part 3: I am what I love? At our panel discussion on Sunday I offered this thought: We are not so much pushed along in life by what we know, but rather pulled about by what we love. Allow me first to properly attribute that thought to James... Continue Reading →

What do you Treasure?

A brief series on stewardship. Part 2: What do you Treasure? During his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus turned his attention to the idea of what we choose to treasure... Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for... Continue Reading →

Giving (Necessarily) Shapes Our Hearts

Choosing to rise and follow Jesus while at the same time remaining at all seated in our old pattern of life is not an option. To rise and follow Jesus is to rise from the reality of a crucifixion of the old man shaped by his old ways to follow him as the Way, the Truth, and the (new) Life.

Spiritual Maturity as The Full Expression of Knowing God

"The central prayer that Paul offers for these brothers and sisters, that the eyes of their hearts would be enlightened through the work of the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation to know three specific spiritual realities, would only take place within the context of a growing knowledge of God. Growing in a knowledge of God is the prerequisite, and it is one that I'm afraid that we largely neglect in our culture."

Called to be Prophets

(For the message from Sunday, October 17, 2021: “Hallelujah...the Lord our God Reigns!” You can view this sermon by clicking HERE.) Yesterday pastor Gerald was back in the pulpit and we picked our study of Revelation back up with a study through the first 10 verses of chapter 19. I appreciated him taking the time at... Continue Reading →

Revelation 18 and a Challenge to Parents

The Lord is not playing around when he proclaims to his people to "come out of her" in Revelation 18. We must heed that warning. But parents should be confronted with an additional warning: Do our children hear the echo of that call intentionally from their parents?

Affirm vs. Build: A Crucial Distinction

We were so very privileged to have Dr. Scott Pace from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary with us yesterday as our guest speaker for our Discipleship Sunday. Although due to some Covid-related issues we decided to cancel the afternoon portion of our schedule, Dr. Pace led us through two excellent sessions that focused on the importance... Continue Reading →

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